The following is an adaptation from Dr. Crystal Evans' teaching entitled, "The Acts (of Friendship)" given by Ps. Aslinn Bouton.
Even from the beginning, God knew that it wasn't good for man to be alone.
We all take that to mean that we're meant to be in a romantic relationship, but we see throughout the Bible the human need forfriendship. True flourishing Christian friendship can encourage us like nothing else, and as the Bible says, iron sharpens iron. Strong platonic relationships are vital for the growth of a Christian.
While you may start your life as a lone person, between you and Christ, you do not stay there. Spiritual growth matures on the highway of relationships. Our maturity as a Christian can only develop when we interact in these relationships. We can only intercede when we're in relationship with others.
The friends we surround ourselves with will determine the quality and direction of our life. When we think back to our greatest regret or the period of our life where we want a "re-do," we were most likely with people we considered our friends. Proverbs says "the companion of the wise will grow wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm."
When we seek wisdom, God gives it generously. Ask God to give you wisdom regarding your friendships, and be ready to make changes when he answers.
Northwest Gold is a series of easy-to-digest samplings from the best Northwest teachings. To read more on this topic, check out the full teaching "The Acts (of Friendship)" and also view more teachings like this on the Re-Acts sermon series page.