He had been asked by a man in New York to conduct an inspection on his Orlando home to retain his insurance. Bryan arrived at the home for the inspection and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He proceeded to inspect the roof of the home according to his 4 point inspection, during which he noticed a girl letting her dog out through a sliding glass door. He spoke to the girl, then went back down and knocked on the door once more. This time a heavy-set older man answered the door. His appearance and odd behavior set off a flag in Bryan's mind, but he continued his inspection inside the home. After requesting the inspection of a particular room, the man proceeded ahead of him to move a girl out of the room by verbally assaulting her. The man's hostility continued as he moved the girl from the bedroom to the bathroom. As Bryan was inspecting, the man moved the girl once more (Bryan believes that she was moved to a closet). This questionable activity along with the other red flags prompted Bryan to contact Crystal Brunton, a Northwest Church member and Florida State Representative for International Justice Mission. A report was filed and the man was apprehended in Virginia by the FBI. Between Florida and Virginia two more girls were apprehended by this same man. All three girls have been rescued and the man is being tried by the court of law. Bryan is now on call to testify against him.


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