The following is an adaptation from Ps. Mark Evans’ teaching entitled, "Walking With The Shepherd"
When God places a new endeavor in your life, do you hear voices that tell you to not bother? You'll think of past failures. Or think that you’re not ready. Basically, your brain is allowing excuses in order to get out of it. To say "no, not now" to God. We know we shouldn't trust these voices, but in the moment it can be hard to ignore.
Jesus tells us that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. He knows that these voices aren't looking out for you, they're actually keeping you trapped. In the same passage, Jesus tells us He is the good shepherd. One that will lay His life down for His sheep. These sheep know His voice and they will listen to Him. This is the voice we need to listen for, when other voices want to tear you down.
Many times when these voices bring up past events or failures, they fail to tell you that God allowed those things to happen, perhaps even to get you the place you’re in right now. They were ways to prepare you for what God is doing at this very moment. God’s calling doesn’t ride on our worthiness, it comes from His own nature. His nature is that of a good shepherd, one that takes absolute care of its flock.
If you’ve got an opportunity ahead of you or perhaps you just feel your life is hindered by fear, speak to it today. Let those antagonistic voices know what God has to say about His calling on your life. Take extra care to listen to the voice of your shepherd, for it can only be for your good.
Northwest Gold is a series of grab-and-go samplings from the best Northwest teachings. To read more on this topic, check out the full teaching "Walking With The Shepherd" and also view more teachings like this on the Walking With God sermon series page.