Maggie is an original Northwest Dance production based loosely on the ancient story of Mary Magdalene, a prostitute who escapes death and destruction to find new life through redemption and forgiveness. The production takes place in a modern setting inspired by the colorful movie “Moulin Rouge.” Throughout Maggie, dancers take the stage set in the seedy surroundings of a modern day brothel. There we meet Maggie, a young woman struggling to find a home. Drawn in by the charming and deceitful ringmaster, Maggie joins the brothel’s group of young women and begins the descent into their nightmarish underworld. The production, which includes aerial, modern and ballet dance supported by video scenery and original music written and recorded just for the production, follows Maggie’s journey from seemingly finding the answer to her hopes and dreams, to learning how forgiveness and personal redemption can set her free from the past and empower her to receive a new vision of herself and her future.